These aren’t dissimilar from FreeGrabbables, except they can be constrained to a limited range of lateral movement, or of rotation. This allows you to create objects such as doors, drawers and pendulums

<aside> ℹ️ ConstrainedGrabbables share some functionality with the other grabbable types, see the Grabbables page for more information


<aside> ℹ️ ConstrainedGrabbables require a Joint (a built-in Unity component), understanding how Joints work is important if you want to use ConstrainedGrabbables, you can find Unity’s documentation here:


<aside> ℹ️ ConstrainedGrabbables can be a little fiddley, you may find it easier to copy the examples in the SampleScene and adapt them, rather than starting from scratch


The constraints applied to your ConstrainedGrabbable come from a Joint component on the GameObject, rather than from the ConstrainedGrabbable component itself. For example, if your GameObject was a door, you first would want to attach and configure a HingeJoint, and then attach and configure a ConstrainedGrabbable

ConstrainedGrabbable Properties