<aside> ℹ️ FreeGrabbables share some functionality with the other grabbable types, see the Grabbables page for more information
Inspect Mode
Users often need to rotate a grabbable they are holding to inspect it from all sides. In VR, this is easy, the user can simple bring their hand close to their face and rotate the object intuitively, in 2D, users must use “Inspect Mode”
Right-clicking while holding the FreeGrabbable will put it in inspect mode. In this mode, mouse movement rotates the GameObject, rather than rotating the camera. Checking “Keep inspect orientation” will preserve this rotation when the user leaves inspect mode, otherwise, the FreeGrabbable rotation will be reset to the AttachPoint is facing forwards
In 2D, the mouse wheel will move the FreeGrabbable towards and away from the camera, this allows you to easier position the FreeGrabbable. The scroll distance bounds should be configured so that the minimum is high enough that the object isn’t able to clip into the camera when scrolled to its minimum distance, and so that the maximum is low enough that the same effect could be realistically achieved in VR by the user stretching our their arm.
<aside> 🤓 Physics
Depending on your use-case, you may want your FreeGrabbable to behave like a regular physical object, that can be thrown around the scene, or you may wish for it to freeze in the air while not being grabbed. To achieve these effects, you must combine the grabbable’s DropSetting with a correct RigidBody configuration.
If you want your grabbable to freeze in the air, you should ensure the RigidBody is set gravity = false and isKinematic = true, and the grabbable’s DropSetting = Cancel Velocity
If you want your grabbable to behave as a physics-based object, you should ensure the RigidBody is set gravity = true and isKinematic = false, and the grabbable’s DropSetting = Inherit Velocity From Hand