Activatables that live on Grabbables! This allows you to give additional behaviors to your Grabbables, turning them into handheld tools

<aside> ℹ️ Activatables share almost all functionality with the Activatables, see the Activatables page for more information


Attaching a V_GrabbableActivatable to the same GameObject as your Grabbable, will allow you to both pick up that GameObject and also activate it. Unlike Activatables, GrabbableActivatables are activated and deactivated through a key press (left click in 2D, trigger in VR)

<aside> ⚠️ You must attach both a V_GrabbableActivatable and either a V_FreeGrabbable or V_ConstrainedGrabbable to the same GameObject to properly set up a V_GrabbableActivatable.


GrabbableActivatable Properties